While slow in coming for most of us, it seems the warmer weather may finally be upon us. The days are getting longer, birds are chirping, and the sun is shining more, and school is nearing the end. What a perfect recipe for a bike ride. But, it is important to keep safety in mind.
Every year, nearly 350,000 children under the age of 15 are rushed to emergency rooms with injuries from bicycle accidents. Resulting head injuries can cause brain damage and life-long disabilities, but according to the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, bike helmets can reduce the risk by 85 percent.
Since May is National Bike Safety Month, I wanted to share with my readers a terrifying story of a 10-year-old boy who almost died after falling off his bicycle while not wearing a helmet. Tiffany Rivera’s story has been circulating social media sites recently, and she has not only given permission, but encourages everyone to share her story in hopes of preventing others from going through the same ordeal.
On Monday March 21 2016, Jaden was riding his bike without a helmet. While riding his bike he fell off scraping his elbow and knee. Like most kids, he got up and kept riding. “He showed no signs of trauma and continued about his day,” Tiffany said. The next day Jaden was his energetic self. But, two days after the fall, he took a turn for the worse.
Jaden woke up lethargic and complaining of a headache; he didn’t want to move and would not eat. After a close examination, Jaden’s mom noticed swelling on his right temple. When she touched the spot, Tiffany said it felt “squishy”. She immediately took Jaden to the emergency room; on the way he began vomiting.
At the hospital, doctors performed a CT scan on Jaden’s brain. Tiffany learned her son had a right temporal fracture of the skull and right temporal epidural hematoma; blood had formed between the inner surface of his skull and an outer protective lining. She was told his chances of survival were 50/50 and that emergency surgery was his only chance. After nearly three hours and 32 staples, Jaden was out of surgery. Doctors said Jaden is a miracle; most kids never come out of surgery.
Jaden’s staples have been removed and he is doing well, but Tiffany doesn’t want their happy ending to overshadow this important message:
Kids riding their bikes should always wear helmets. What happened to Jaden can happened to anyone and it is 100% preventable. “Kids are kids — they don’t always listen to their parents,” said Tiffany. “But hopefully they can look at these pictures and see this is what can happen.”
(These pictures begin when Jaden arrived at the hospital, after surgery, 32 staples in his head, and after the staples were removed on April 13.pictures start from as soon as we came to the hospital, after surgery, 32 staples in his head, and the removal of the staples on April 13.)
Lawsuit Financial not only encourages everyone to wear a bicycle helmet, but hopes our readers will share Tiffany’s story. It could save a life!